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June 27, 2007



Hi Ronnie.

What a fitting tribute. You've summed up their home exactly as I see it too.


It looks like I've been there and I could smell the Challah bread. You
should write more, love your blog/book!


Rebecca Friedman

Thanks for putting into words what I feel every time I cross over the causeway on Wings Neck Road.

Susan from Food Blogga

Growing up in RI, my family used to go to the Cape frequently, so it holds special memories for me. In fact, last fall my husband and I went home and visited the Cape (which was festively decorated for Halloween), and I was smitten all over again. It's so charming and peaceful, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.

Deborah Dowd

What a wonderful quote! I hope that my home will convey the same spirit!


This weekend filled with food and wine that was very, very yummy is more about the friends we shared it with. Thanks so much.
Everytime we eat those shrimp, gazpacho and oysters we will now think of you and Evan.


Having just returned from spending the 4th in Pocasset with the Blacks I can tell you that the warmth continues to radiate - from the kitchen and from their hearts. Being in that kitchen and sharing with each other as we prepared the evening meals (and a few snacks along the way) are memories I cherish always.


Hello, I was looking at your website and the Challah looked so DELICIOUS I thought, how can I make this... is it possible to get the recipe from your friend??? It looks so crisp and crunchy and buttery and moist, I could almost taste it... It reminded me of my dear mother's cakes(passed), and I would love to learn this exact Challah. I am writing from Australia. Thank you, Vida x

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